Source code for torchwebio.webalyzer

import functools
import io
from enum import IntEnum

from PIL import Image
from pywebio import start_server
from pywebio.input import file_upload, input_group
from pywebio.output import put_image, put_markdown, put_table
from torch import nn

from torchwebio.exceptions import ComingSoonException
from torchwebio.models.image.imageclassificationmodel import ImageClassificationModel

[docs]class Model_Types(IntEnum): IMAGE_MODEL = 1 NLP_MODEL = 2
Unsupported = [Model_Types.NLP_MODEL]
[docs]def image_class_webio(model: nn.Module, title, subtitle, category_list=None): """ Implementation of a PyWebIO application for image classification models. Accepts an image and outputs a table of classification scores. Parameters ---------- model : nn.Module Pytorch model that needs to do the prediction title : _type_ Title for the application subtitle : _type_ Subtitle for the application category_list : _type_, optional URL to the category list to map categories indices to labels, by default None """ img_model = ImageClassificationModel(model=model, category_list=category_list) put_markdown(f"# {title}") put_markdown(f"{subtitle}") uploaded = input_group( "Upload Image", [ file_upload( # label="Image", accept="image/*", placeholder="Choose file", name="img", ), ], ) if uploaded: image_data = uploaded["img"]["content"] image ="RGB") results = img_model.process_img(image) put_markdown("## Results") put_markdown("### Uploaded Image") put_image(image) put_markdown("### Labels") put_markdown(f"You uploaded an image of {results[0][0]}") put_table(results, header=["Label", "Score"]) pass
[docs]def webalyzer( model: nn.Module, title: str = "Image Classification", subtitle: str = "Calculates classsification labels on ImageNet", model_type: Model_Types = Model_Types.IMAGE_MODEL, class_category_list: str = None, ): """ Function to generate an application based on the model. Currently supports timm-like Image classification models Coming soon: NLP and more Computer vision model suppport Parameters ---------- model : nn.Module Pytorch model to be turned into an application title : str, optional Title for the application, by default "Image Classification" subtitle : str, optional Subtitle or body of the application, by default "Calculates classsification labels on ImageNet" model_type : Model_Types, optional Type of the model, by default Model_Types.IMAGE_MODEL class_category_list : str, optional Mapping output vectors to class categories., by default None Raises ------ ComingSoonException If a non ImageModel Model_Types is passed, an exception is raised """ if model_type in Unsupported: raise ComingSoonException partial_webalyzer = functools.partial( image_class_webio, model, title, subtitle, class_category_list ) start_server(partial_webalyzer, debug=True, port=8080)